Leading into the unknown - FEBRUARY 24 - 13.00-14.00 (AUD $40.00)

Mark Zimmermann

The role of today's leader has changed. It doesn’t matter if you are leading a large team, running a medium sized business, or are an owner operator start up - how you lead will define your outcomes. How do you adapt your leadership style when live in an ever changing world, especially when the big sharks are circling? How do you top up your Mojo on the days when there’s nothing left in the tank, and when others rely on you for motivation, clarity and direction?

Join this session for insightful leadership hacks, tips & stories as we explore the importance of knowing when and how to adapt your leadership style, how to master mental toughness, and how to learn and apply the behavioural traits that define today's successful leaders.

If you are expecting a session where you simply turn up and listen, then this is not for you - this is an interactive, energizing, mojo creating, mindset changing power hour!.