The Comedy Store Presents: Up Next - Guam Felix, Joe Marrese, Felicia Folkes, Zack Chapaloni, Willie Simon, Ramsey Badawi
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A show featuring the next generation of Comedy Store comedians!
Belly Room
10PM Doors
Show at 10:30PM
Lineups are subject to change
Guam Felix
Joe Marrese
Felicia Folkes
Felicia Folkes is an LA-based stand-up comedian, writer, and actress. Born and raised in Inglewood, CA, she’s self described as a young black women trapped in an Auntie's body. Her comedy has an honest take on the ups and downs of family, love, health, and friendship.
Zack Chapaloni
Zack’s distinctly original stories, filled with colorful characters and unexpected punchlines, have resonated with audiences of all backgrounds. As a storyteller, Zack shared one of his Moroccan family adventures on MTV’s Greatest Party Story Ever. As an actor, Zack has appeared in the Showtime series Shameless, as well as Night of the Living Karens, a viral comedy-horror series he created with comedian Richard Sarvate. Zack has performed standup comedy all over the country, and opened for some legendary names in the industry, including Tiffany Haddish, Dave Attell and the late great Norm Macdonald. You can catch Zack every week on Hesby Street, a comedy podcast he co-hosts with comedian Torio Van Grol.
Willie Simon
Ramsey Badawi
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