Let me Trompe Your L'oeil
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General Admission: $20
FWM Member: $15 (Enter access code to unlock member discount ticket)
Join us for an evening in FWM's galleries and screenprinting studios! Begin with a Blood Moon tour led by project co-curator Alec Unkovic and discover how artists Mary Reid Kelley and Patrick Kelley explore the boundaries of gender, identity, and storytelling through the playful use of trompe l'oeil. Afterwards, print one-of-a-kind t-shirts in our studio with trompe l'oeil designs inspired by cultural figures referenced in the exhibition's films. FWM staff will teach you monoprinting techniques while you create intricate, two-layer designs that you can wear home that evening. All materials included (please specify preferred t-shirt size during checkout).
Photo credit: Carlos Avendaño.
Background yardage:
Amira Pualwan, FWM Apprentice, Spring 2019
Lap Pool/Lap Pool