Get Your Reps 5 or 10 Class Pass
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This page is for purchasing 5 and 10 Class Passes for Get Your Reps. Please click here if you'd like to purchase individual Reps Nights!
A 5 Class Pass saves you $4 per class. A 10 Class Pass saves you $6 per class!
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night 7-9pm
July 12 - August 25, 2022
Vax & Mask Policy
Proof of full vaccination (2 shots Moderna/Pfizer or 1 shot J&J) is required to enter Happier Valley Comedy. Your teacher will ask for proof when you arrive for class. Acceptable proof can be your vaccine card, image of card, or healthcare provider app.
HVC is now using a flexible mask policy. When you arrive, there will be a sign on the door displaying the current level: Masks Required, Masks Recommended, or Masks Respected.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!