Bug Hunter / The Narcissist Cookbook
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The Cave presents
Bug Hunter / The Narcissist Cookbook
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 7pm, VIP 5pm
$30ad ($34.60w/online fee), $35 at door
VIP (General Admission Included) $65 ($72.55w/online fee)
VIP Package Includes Early entry to the venue (5PM) to listen to both artists play a couple extra songs + Q&A, and take a photo with Bug Hunter and The Narcissist Cookbook. Free Tour poster and pre-show access to merch sales included!
Bug Hunter and The Narcissist Cookbook are touring the US together as a one-two punch of impactful story-telling songwriters. Fresh off the first season of their hit podcast, Jam Mechanics, both performers are ready to get back in front of a live audience to play songs about airplanes, fungus, and ghosts.
Bug Hunter "Bug has the very unique skill of being able to put a lifetime of experiences in a single song. There is also a very rare quality where even the most painful lyrics manage to have a silver lining or hope within their theme. Every song has a story, and every story has something profound to pull from it. Every single album and song is an entire rush of words that manage to perfectly capture so many specific emotions and moments in time. There is such a rare quality in the writing, and I’ve yet to find another artist that I can fully compare to Bug Hunter.”
The Narcissist Cookbook Mudslinger/songwrecker The Narcissist Cookbook uses five-rounds-rapid storytelling and powerful songwriting as a siege weapon trained on the barker between the stage and the audience. An irreverent, unpredictable and inimitable voice in modern spoken word.
- Bug Hunter
- merchandise: www.bughunterbug.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bughunterbug/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BugHunter
- The Narcissist Cookbook
- Merchandise: https://thenarcissistcookbook.bandcamp.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenarcissistcookbookofficial/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNarcissistCookbook
- Both
- Instagram: @thecavebuffalo
Follow the event with #thecavebuffalo