Software Engibeering with ShowClix

Tue. Dec 13, 2011 6:30pm - 9:00pm EST
All Ages
All Ages
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All Ages
Event Description
We at ShowClix have simple taste. When it comes down to it, there is nothing we like more than good software engineers and good beer. That is why we decided to have an evening to celebrate both.

ShowClix is hosting an event in our snazzy new downtown headquarters to introduce ourselves to local software engineering folk, show off the new space, and drink locally brewed beer. We'll also have the Cinema fired up for gaming, the "ClixCafe" serving up munchies, and the pool table ready for action.

Anyone from the software engineering community is welcome to attend for free, including but not limited to:
  • Happily employed software engineers
  • Software engineers on the hunt for employment
  • Computer science grad students
  • Recent computer science grads

We'll have food, drinks, and a bunch of the team members here to chat about ShowClix stuff, whether or not Bruce Schneier is a god, or if P = NP? (if you have a definitive answer to this one, we'd really like to chat).

All you need to participate is the following:
  • A passion for creating/hacking software
  • A copy of your resumé
  • A free ticket — click "Get Tickets" to reserve right now
  • A photo ID to get in the building

See you there!
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Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
ShowClix Headquarters 650 Smithfield St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15221